
Awesome Weekend
January 22, 2009, 11:58 am
Filed under: Garden, Kitchen, Tomatoes | Tags: , , ,

img_0049It’s cold out there! But we warmed up with a winter feast made from the best stuff we had stashed away in the basement with two meals featuring entrees made from out stash of  Awesome Farm products.  First, Lisa made gnocchi which we had with a lamb ragu (which also featured a couple of jars of our own tomatoes).  It went down quite well with a capital Barolo.   For dessert, I made my (sorta) famous Chocolate Malted Creme Brulee.  Famous, ‘cuz it was in Mom’s cookbook The Splendid Spoonful.



  On Sunday we had had Hainanese chicken with our Awesome Farm chicken.  This dish has been in heavy rotation for us every since Bittman wrote about it last summer.  Although we like the more traditional version with a zippy lime-chili sauce.

Like a Lamb to….
October 15, 2008, 7:16 am
Filed under: Kitchen | Tags: ,

I’m very excited about a call I got yesterday.  The good folks from Awesome Farm called to say our lamb was ready to head to the butcher.  And they’d like to know how we’d like it butchered….legs: half or whole, rack: chops or whole, sholder: roast or stew, etc. etc.  Ahhh, the possiblities.  We ordered this lamb last spring and I’d almost forgotten about it.  Now my only regret is that we only ordered half a lamb and not a whole.  I’ll post back after we pick it up and let you know how it tastes.